
Find out about how the Music team works to support the sector and develop new opportunities.

The Music team at Creative Scotland has three main areas of work.

  • Project Funding Support
    We give advice on applying for the Open Fund, both for individuals and organisations, assess applications, give feedback on unsuccessful applications, monitor funded projects, and review end of project reports. We also work with wider Creative Scotland teams to help assess music education, Creative Industries and equalities funds.
  • Regular Funding
    We monitor Regularly Funded Organisations and work with them on development areas such as their Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion plans.
  • Targeted Funding
    We work with a wide group of partner organisations to deliver funds and projects with specific development goals in the music sector. We aim to create new opportunities and positive changes like stronger international links and increased representation of minority groups.

Who is in the Music team?

Head of Music Alan Morrison leads a team of four Music Officers. The music team works across genres and each officer also has specific areas of interest and expertise.

  • Alan Morrison – Head of Music
  • Siobhan Anderson – trad and folk, creative learning
  • Emma Campbell – Western classical, new music, trad and folk, community music
  • Clare Hewitt – Western classical, new music, jazz
  • Jamie Houston – rock and pop, hip hop

Which organisations does the Music team work with?

Some of the organisations working with us on targeted funds and projects include:

Our colleagues in Creative Scotland’s Place, Partnerships and Communities department also work on targeted activities with:


Our main source of funding for music projects is Open Funding:

  • Open Fund for Individuals - this fund can support individual artists, bands and ensembles and other professionals with a wide range of projects. This includes writing and developing new work, recording and releasing music, touring, collaborating with other artists, testing new ways of reaching audiences and developing new partnerships.
  • National Lottery Open Fund for Organisations - this fund can support organisations such as festivals, venues and charities to help them sustain their work in changing circumstances and develop new opportunities.
  • National Lottery Extended Programme Fund - a new time-limited funding opportunity for arts and cultural organisations launched in February 2023. The fund aims to create the opportunity for non-profit organisations to get longer term support than is currently available through the National Lottery Open Fund for Organisations.

We also run targeted funds for projects or activities which have more specific criteria, or devolve funds to be delivered by partners.

Key resources

Get in touch

We’re very happy to talk to you about projects that might be eligible for our support.

If you’ve never applied before, get in touch to talk about your ideas and ask any questions. We might be able to give examples that make the criteria clearer or tell you more about how our funds work.

Get in touch by visiting our Contact Us page. Explore the team member list to find out who’s who.