Leadership and Workforce

We work to support the development of sustainable business models in the arts, screen and creative industries and to strengthen the talent and skills needed to develop sustainable careers through sectoral partnerships. The fourth of our 10-year Ambitions is that ideas are brought to life by a diverse, skilled and connected leadership and workforce.

As part of our Performance Management Framework we currently measure our progress against the following outcome:

Outcome 4: Leaders across the sectors are more confident, knowledgeable, connected and developing more sustainable business models

Songs to end Homelessness - Ensemble

Ensemble - a leading provider of care and support services for a wide range of people in Scotland - where professional musicians and musical volunteers work with groups of young people to write songs over a series of songwriting workshops.

Screen Fringe Pilot Programme

The aim of this pilot programme, Screen Fringe is to connect film and TV creative producers with Scotland-based theatre and comedy talent, in a bid to capitalise on the growth in the production of high-end TV and film content as a result of the rapid expansion of streaming platforms.