Excellence and Experimentation

We support individuals and organisations across Scotland to develop and produce high quality work, both through funding and by helping them to create time and space to develop their practice. The first of our 10-year ambitions is that excellence and experimentation across the arts, screen and creative industries are recognised and valued.

As part of our Performance Management Framework we currently measure our progress against the following outcome:

Outcome 1: More diverse high quality artistic and creative work is produced and developed across Scotland

Get to know... NEoN

NEoN (or North East of North if you’d rather) is a digital arts festival, taking place in Dundee every November. The festival’s mission is the celebrate the best of digital arts, by showcasing work from a range of local, national and international artists.

Surge: Breaking down barriers through street arts and physical theatre

Surge is an organisation based in Glasgow dedicated to running projects to develop street arts, physical theatre and circus in Scotland.

CYMERA - Scotland’s festival of science fiction, fantasy and horror

The whole ethos of CYMERA is to give opportunities to authors that are established, emerging and people that are maybe thinking about writing and don’t know where to start.