
Find out how the Dance Team supports the sector in Scotland and develops opportunities for dance.

The Dance team works across three main areas:

  • Project Funding Support
    We give advice on applying for our Open Fund and the Touring Fund for Theatre and Dance. We assess applications, contribute to decision making panels, give feedback on unsuccessful applications, monitor funded projects, and review end of project reports. We also work with other teams to help assess funds such as those relating to creative learning and young people, equalities, and place and communities.
  • Multi-year Funding Support
    We monitor Regularly Funded Organisations and work with them on development areas such as their Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion plans.
  • Targeted Activities
    We work with partners to deliver funds and projects with specific development goals in the dance sector. We aim to create new opportunities and positive changes like stronger international links and increased diversity within Scotland’s dance sector. We use our influence to advocate for more support and to create new opportunities for Scotland’s dance artists and organisations.

Who's in the Dance team?

The Dance team works across all forms of dance. We have all worked in the dance sector and draw on these experiences when supporting Scotland’s dance artists and organisations.

  • Vanessa Boyd – Head of Dance
  • Lulu Johnston – Dance Officer
  • Lewis Normand – Dance Officer

Organisations working in dance

The Regularly Funded Organisations working with us in Dance include:

Some of the organisations working with us on targeted funds and projects include:

Relevant funds

Our main sources of funding for Dance projects is the Open Fund:

  • Open Fund for Individuals - this fund can support individual artists or other dance professionals, as well as those collaborating. Projects eligible for this funding include researching and/or developing new work, professional development, developing artistic collaborations, testing new ways of reaching audiences or participants and developing new partnerships or support networks.
  • National Lottery Open Fund for Organisations - this fund can support organisations such as producing companies, festivals, venues and charities to help them sustain their work in changing circumstances and develop new opportunities.
  • National Lottery Extended Programme Fund - a new time-limited funding opportunity for arts and cultural organisations launched in February 2023. The fund aims to create the opportunity for non-profit organisations to get longer term support than is currently available through the National Lottery Open Fund for Organisations.

We also run targeted funds for projects or areas of work which have more specific criteria:


Get in touch with the Creative Scotland Dance team

We’re very happy to talk to you about projects that might be eligible for our support.

If you’ve never applied before, get in touch to talk about your ideas and ask any questions. We might be able to give examples that make the criteria clearer or tell you more about how our funds work.

Visit our Contact Us page to get in touch. Explore the team member list to find out who’s who.