Oifigear Ealain Gàidhlig | Gaelic Arts Officer

Tuarastal: £28,711 pro rata le peinnsean is sochairean
Pàirt Ùine (21 uairean san t-seachdain)
Cùmhnant Maireannach

Ceann-là deireannach do làn-bhileagan-tagraidh: Meadhan-là Diciadain 5 Cèitean 2021
Cumar agallamhan air-loidhne le Microsoft Teams air: Diciadain 19 Cèitean 2021

Tha sinn a’ sireadh Oifigear Ealain Gàidhlig a thig còmhla rinn is a chuireas taic ri obair Alba Cruthachail an cois ar Plana Ro-innleachdail 10-bliadhna agus ar Plana Bhliadhnail. Bidh sibh nur pàirt dhealasach de sgioba Àite, Chom-pàirteachasan is Choimhearsnachdan agus nì sibh measadh is moladh mu shreath de thagraidhean ionmhais. Co-òrdanachadh is treòrachadh far am feumar air tachartasan, prògraman is pròiseactan buntainneach, le taic shònraichte do leasachadh nan ealan Gàidhlig, gus an coileanar am Plana Gàidhlig aig Alba Chruthachail 2017-2022.

Obraichidh an neach a gheibh an dreuchd gu dlùth, an dà chuid a-muigh is a-staigh gus a bhith a’ comharrachadh, leasachadh, lìbhrigeadh is comasachadh pròiseactan is iomairtean a chuireas ri leasachadh ro-innleachdail ealan is gnìomhachasan cruthachail na Gàidhlig.

Bidh eòlas farsaing aig an tagraiche fhreagarrach air a’ Ghàidhlig is mar a leasaichear i. Nochdaidh sibh eòlas air rianachd, stiùireadh phròiseactan is ghoireasan agus nochdaidh sibh eòlas air tairgsean a mheasadh gu mionaideach agus aithisgean is molaidhean soilleir a dheasachadh. Bidh comasan làidir conaltraidh agaibh ann am Beurla oir bidh seo riatanach san obair, a bharrachd air comas dearbhte ann an Gàidhlig.

Feumar eòlas is tuigse mu ealain is ghnìomhachasan cruthachail ann an Alba, gu h-àraidh ealain is ghnìomhachasan cruthachail Gàidhlig is Ceilteach, le comasan làidir eadar-pearsanta.

Bhiodh na leanas feumail, ach chan eil iad deatamach: eòlas air stiùireadh pròiseasan measaidh is sgrùdaidh, agus an comas com-pàirtichean a leasachadh is a stèidheachadh an dà chuid san dùthaich (a-bhos) is gu h-eadar-nàiseanta (thall), is dealas a nochdadh do ar prìomh luachan.

Cuiribh ur tagradh gu: recruitment@creativescotland.com

Salary: £28,711 pro-rata pa plus pension and benefits
Part-time (21 hrs per week)
Permanent Contract

Closing date for receipt of completed application forms is: 12 noon Wednesday 5 May 2021
Interviews will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams, on: Wednesday 19 May 2021

We are looking for a Gaelic Arts Officer to join us and support Creative Scotland’s work in the context of our 10-year Strategic Plan and our Annual Plan. You will be an active member of the Place, Partnerships and Communities team and will assess and make recommendations on a range of funding applications. Co-ordinate and/or lead where appropriate, on relevant activities, programmes and projects, including specific support for Gaelic language arts development activity, for delivery of Creative Scotland’s Gaelic Language Plan 2017–2022.

The person appointed will work closely, – internally and externally – to identify, develop, deliver and enable projects and initiatives to support the strategic development of Gaelic arts and creative industries.

Our ideal candidate will have extensive knowledge of the Gaelic language and its development. You will be able to demonstrate experience in administration / project and resource management skills and be able to demonstrate experience in carrying out detailed assessments of proposals and producing clear reports and recommendations. You will have strong communication skills in English as this will be essential part of the role as well as proven ability in the Gaelic language.

Experience and understanding of the arts and creative industries in Scotland, specifically Gaelic and Celtic language arts and creative industries, combined with strong interpersonal skills is essential.

Experience of managing evaluation and monitoring processes is desirable but not essential as is the ability to develop and establish partnerships both nationally (home) and internationally (abroad) and demonstrate commitment to our core values.

Please send your application to recruitment@creativescotland.com

Oifigear Ealain Gàidhlig Pasgan Fiosrachadh Obrach

Oifigear Ealain Gàidhlig Pasgan Fiosrachadh Obrach (PDF)

Gaelic Arts Officer Job Information Pack

Gaelic Arts Officer Job Information Pack (PDF)

Oifigear Ealain Gàidhlig Bileag Tagraidh

Oifigear Ealain Gàidhlig Bileag Tagraidh (.docx)

Gaelic Arts Officer Application Form

Gaelic Arts Officer Application Form (.docx)

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form (.docx)