Last updated 19 August 2024
What personal information do we collect about you?
We may use the following information that you provide to us including your:
- name
- email address
- job title
For Screen Scotland’s Crew Mailing List, in addition to your contact information, we will process your special category data, if you choose to provide this to us.
What are our purposes for processing your personal information?
To provide sector specific information you have registered to receive e.g. Youth Music Initiative updates, Film/TV Crew opportunities and/or updates (you can unsubscribe at any time if you no longer wish to receive this information)
To send you our newsletter, if you have requested it, which will include latest news, funding announcements, events and other information (you can unsubscribe at any time if you no longer wish to receive this information)
Mailchimp information
When you subscribe to one of our newsletters, a contact profile is created in Mailchimp. This provides detail on your interactions with our newsletters, for example, what newsletters you have been sent, which editions you have and have not opened, and how frequently you click on links contained in the newsletters you read.
We can also see data that shows us more general statistics around your interaction with the newsletters, for example, how many total opens a newsletter received, and which links were clicked the most.
We use this data to understand more about our subscribers’ needs from our newsletters, so that we can tailor our content to be the most relevant and useful it can be. We also use this data to create sub-sets of the overall subscriber list, for example, a group of those who have not opened a newsletter in a year or more, so we can remove them from the system.
What is our legal basis for handling and using your personal information?
Consent - under article 6(1)(a) of the UK GDPR by providing any personal information to us when communicating through the website services e.g. registering to receive our newsletter you give your consent for us to handle and use your personal information for the specified purposes. Your consent will be our legal reason for the purposes of complying with the Data Protection Laws.
For Screen Scotland’s Crew Mailing List, we also need your consent (under article 9(2)(a)) as this type of information is classed as special category data
How long will we keep your personal information?
We keep mailing list personal information for as long as you wish to continue to receive information from us.
If you no longer wish to receive information from us you can unsubscribe at any time or contact us and request the removal of your personal information.
We hope you continue to enjoy receiving the information we send you. However, if you have not accessed any of our emails for a period of one year, we will remove your details from our mailing list.