Update on Multi-Year Funding

This is an update on plans for the implementation of Multi-Year Funding for cultural and creative organisations.

The Multi-Year Funding Programme will replace the current Regular Funding programme which will be in place until the end of March 2025.

This new approach to providing Multi-Year funding reflects the outcomes of the Funding Review carried out prior to the pandemic and were then required to pause in March 2020.

The new Multi-Year funding programme approach:

  • Is a two-stage application process;
  • Will be delivered online;
  • And is based on clear and consistent criteria, that will be applied across all our funds.  (The new criteria have already been introduced as part of the National Lottery Open Fund for Organisations).


Multi-Year Funding will be in place from April 2025.  Here’s the timeline towards that date:

  • June 2023: engagement sessions for organisations interested in applying.
  • July 2023: Fund Guidance for Stage One will be published.
  • August and September 2023: information sessions for organisations interested in applying.
  • August 2023: Registration for organisations intending to apply.
  • September and October 2023: Stage One will be open for applications.
  • February 2024: Stage One decisions will be announced.
  • March and April 2024: Stage Two will be open for applications.
  • October 2024: Stage Two decisions will be announced.
  • January 2024: Further Fund Guidance for Stage Two will be published.
  • November 2024 to February 2025: contracting will take place with successful applicants.
  • April 2025: Multi-Year Funding will be in place for successful applicants.

To support organisations interested in applying to the Multi-Year Funding Programme, we will be organising a series of engagement sessions to take place in June 2023, ahead of the publication of the Stage One guidance for the Fund in July.

This will enable interested organisations to understand the context and purpose of the Multi-Year Funding Programme and to decide if it is suitable for them. Dates for these sessions will be announced the week commencing 8 May, alongside details on how to sign up for one.

In August and September 2023, once the Fund Guidance has been published, we will also schedule further information sessions. These will focus more on the detail of the application process.

Our Enquiries Service is always available to help and to answer any questions.

Please sign up for our newsletters and follow us on our social media channels as we will issue further updates on an ongoing basis.