Access Costs in your Funding Application

Personal Access Costs

If you, or any key collaborators involved in developing and leading your activity, are Deaf, disabled or neurodivergent, you may have additional costs relating to your own access needs, in order to deliver the project.

Some examples are:

  • a BSL interpreter
  • specialist equipment or software
  • additional travel costs
  • a Personal Assistant for a disabled person

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and you should tell us what you require in order to deliver the activity.

Please also note, Personal Access Costs are treated separately to your main project budget. They do not count towards your total funding request. This is to ensure that your requests under Personal Access Costs do not push you into a higher funding band or take your total budget over the maximum funding level for the fund.

Access to Work

You may also be eligible to apply for support from the UK Government’s Access to Work fund, which can help cover some of the extra costs of carrying out your job, or travelling to, from and during work if you are disabled. More information on Access to Work is available on the UK Government website.

Project Access Costs

All other project access costs should be included within your main Project Budget.

This can include the costs for making your activity accessible to audiences, participants and artists, and costs related to childcare and other caring responsibilities where you are unlikely to be able to undertake the planned activities without this support.

Further information on Personal and Project Access Costs is available within our Fund Guidelines.