UK and International Open Awards for Disabled Artists Announced

Posted on:  25th July 2023

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A person stands against a blue background. We see their profile, as they raise their head to the sky and hold their hands to their chest. They're wearing a bright pink leotard, a white wig and a crown.

Ebony Rose Dark, Brownton Abbey

We’re offering 14 awards to disabled artists across the UK. These awards will offer a grand total of £600,000 to commission artists on a national and international level. 

As the world’s largest disabled arts commissioner, we’ve been supporting disabled artists since 2013. Our mission is to commission extraordinary work from disabled artists that will change and challenge the world, until the whole of the cultural sector does.

Today’s awards announcement will give disabled artists the chance to develop and present work across the country and/or internationally. They’re open to any disabled artists based in the UK to bring their ideas to life. Projects can be at any stage of development and across a wide range of artforms.

We’re incredibly excited to be able to award £600,000 for this round of commissions. It comes with an open invitation for disabled artists to apply with their truly radical, ambitious, and original ideas across a whole range of artforms, sizes, and scales. We can’t wait to discover what wonderful work this investment will support.

Cat Sheridan, Senior Producer, Unlimited

Made possible with the support of Arts Council England, Arts Council of Wales, and Creative Scotland, we’re delighted to offer nine UK awards ranging from £15,000 – £80,000 to artists based in England, Scotland, or Wales. These awards will support the creation of extraordinary new work in the following artforms: drama, dance, music, visual arts, literature, and combined arts.

Unlimited are changing the perception of disability and challenging the cultural sector by commissioning disabled artists, while also supporting people in all communities to express themselves creatively and experience arts and culture. I’m delighted that we are funding them as a National Portfolio Organisation and look forward to seeing the extraordinary work these awards will support.

Pete Massey, Director North, Arts Council England

Unlimited’s commissioning programme is crucial in providing dedicated support, raising the profile of disabled artists, and shining a spotlight on the huge range of exciting work created across the UK. We’re thrilled to be part of this here in Wales, and over several years the impact the programme has had for Wales-based disabled artists continues to strengthen and grow and plays a key part in supporting our commitment to promoting equality and inclusion across the arts sector.

Amanda Loosemore, Portfolio Manager, Arts Council of Wales

The Unlimited commissioning programme is once again providing an exciting opportunity for disabled artists across the UK and driving real change within the cultural sector. The platform they provide can catapult awardees into a successful career in the Arts and demonstrates to the rest of the sector how to challenge discriminatory practices and exclusionary attitudes, which sadly continue to be a barrier for disabled practitioners. 

Thanks to National Lottery players, Creative Scotland is thrilled to be able to support the development of extraordinary commissions and open up this incredible opportunity for artists living and working in Scotland. We’d urge any Scottish disabled artist looking at the programme to seize the moment to bring ideas to life, to challenge perceptions, and change ways of working.

Stuart Cameron, Equalities and Diversity Officer, Creative Scotland

In partnership with British Council, we’re offering five international awards for artists to form collaborations with a number of countries across the world. We will offer up to £50,000 per commission for artists to create new, exciting work across all artforms.

The world needs to shift to create greater access and inclusion for disabled people and by supporting these awards through Unlimited, British Council can be part of that narrative of change. By focusing on countries that have historically had less access to exchange and support, we are delighted to find out what we can learn as well as what we can share from the practice of disabled artists.

Neil Webb, Director Theatre and Dance, British Council

We commission extraordinary work by disabled artists that is rebellious, adventurous, inspiring, and playful. We believe in the power of this work to change and challenge the world. Previous commissions have varied in artform and scale, ranging from a theatre project exploring disabled LGBTQ+ experience in the Highlands of Scotland, a one-woman dance show inspired by Black hair culture, an immersive forest experience created in Brazil and the UK, and a circus performance devised by artists in the UK and Zimbabwe. We’re excited to see what innovative creations disabled artists will bring to life this year.

All the information on today’s award announcement including everything needed to make an Expression of Interest application can be found here. Applications can be made from Thursday 31 August to Monday 2 October 2023.