In terms of the Stage 1 assessment and scoring, any organisation achieving a 3 or above in any criterion is demonstrating a Good-to-Excellent response to the criteria. For those scoring less than 3, the assessment will likely be highlighting weaknesses in the answer being provided. In the case where we feel the Stage 1 response could have been stronger, the Stage 1 assessment report will generally outline any/all areas in which the assessment team felt an application could have been improved.
So, if in the case of any of the criteria the applicant scored well and there was no specific suggestions or recommendations for improvements then we would not necessarily be looking for the applicant to address anything in particular and the assumption would be that the answer at Stage 1 was good enough. For Stage 2 it would be about them focusing on where their business plan and supporting materials provide evidence that they can successfully deliver the intentions set out in the Stage 1 response.