After an application is submitted, if an answer needs any clarification during assessment, will Creative Scotland enter a dialogue with applicants during the Stage 1 process?

As outlined in the guidance, once an applicant has submitted their application...

As outlined in the guidance, once an applicant has submitted their application it will be checked for eligibility and completeness. If your application is incomplete, you will be contacted and advised of the missing information we require. We will give you 5 working days to supply this information or your application will be considered ineligible.

Thereafter, the assessment team will appraise all the information provided and will assess based on the information provided.

Due to the volumes of applications involved, it is not practical for us to engage in further dialogue with applicants at this point. However, in exceptional circumstances we may contact an applicant to check/clarify a specific detail which may be ambiguous.

This will not be to seek new or additional information, and the applicant will not be able to add anything new at this point.  It remains the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all details provided are clear, true, and accurate. Applications that do not meet this standard are likely to be assessed as unsuccessful.