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Your Budget

What format should I present my budget in?

You should submit your budget using an electronic spreadsheet, ideally Microsoft Excel or equivalent software. Read more

Your guidelines sometimes require 10% as a cash contribution – what can this include?

Cash contributions can include: Earned income from your activity, for example ticket sales, book sales and fees charged; Funding from public organisations such as local authorities and local enterprise companies; Investment from trusts and foundations; A contribution from your own organisation. Read more

What can I/we include as income or partnership funding?

Some different examples of Partnership Funding. Read more

What are you expecting to see included under ‘Expenditure’ in my budget?

When putting together the budget for your activity, you should give consideration to the following areas of expenditure: Read more

What are in-kind contributions?

In-kind contributions can include: Voluntary labour (time or services ‘donated’ should be additional and not part of the person‘s normal job); Donated equipment; Services donated from other companies or organisations; Use of premises or office space for the project; and Carer support, for example, people with disabilities. Read more